Tanggal 29 Mei Adalah Hari Orang Tua Asuh

Tanggal 29 Mei setiap tahunnya diperingati sebagai Hari Orang Tua Asuh. Inisiatif ini pada mulanya didorong oleh Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh secara nasional yang mencanangkan peluncuran Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh pada 29 Mei 1996 Oleh Presiden RI ke-2 untuk mengajak masyarakat luas memberi bantuan kepada anak-anak sekolah dipelosok Indonesia untuk terus bersekolah. Gagasan membangun dan mendorong Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh inilah yang kemuduian diperingati sebagai Hari Orang Tua Asuh. 
Peringatan Hari Orang Tua Asuh kemudian menjadi peringatan bagi seluruh komponen masyarakat untuk ikut membantu sesamanya menjadi Orang Tua Asuh bagi keluarga tak mampu. Peringatan Hari Orang Tua Asuh ini diperingati dengan berbagai macam kegiatan sesuai yang diinginkan lembaga atau mereka yang memperingatinya. 
Selain lembaga yang memperingatinya dengan berbagai macam kegiatan, secara perorangan Hari Orang Tua Asuh dipakai sebagai pengingat untuk selalu membantu kaum yang lemah, mengajak keluarga dan anak-anak untuk belajar membantu mereka bisa bersekolah dan berkehidupan layak. 
Apa rencana Anda dan keluarga dalam memperingati Hari Orang Tua Asuh tahun ini? 

Discriminated Muslim in Sendong Evacuees

One netizen made this comment on facebook regarding the GMA-7 Kapuso Foundation who allegedly discriminated the muslim evacuees after the typhoon Sendong.

"Today a bunch of "so called KAPUSO volunteers" went to Hinaplanon Cabaro.. supposed to be they are going to distribute relief goods to those people who were affected by the catastrophe of Bagyong Sendong, and when they got there and seen that most of the people lining up or lets just say waiting for the goods to be given or distributed are mostly Muslim people, they backed out!

GMA recently released a statement regarding this incident. Here is the Official Statement of the GMA Kapuso Foundation

The GMA Kapuso Foundation wishes to state that no racial or religious discrimination took place in Cabaro. The GMAKF relief operations team wanted to prioritize giving to areas that haven’t or hardly received assistance. It so happened that the team that conducted a feeding activity in Cabaro is the same team that was to distribute relief goods in another affected area that lies at the farthest end of the town and has not been given any assistance whatsoever. We are deeply saddened that the decision of the team leader not to give relief goods in Cabaro resulted to the GMAKF being perceived as unsympathetic to the Muslims, something that is unacceptable to us given our long history of providing serbisyong totoo even in far-flung and conflict-ridden areas just to reach our Muslim brothers and sisters in need.

We would never do anything that would ruin the respect we have earned from our Muslim brothers and sisters all these years. This is evident as early as 2003 when we built several Kapuso classrooms across war-torn Pikit, North Cotabato. Since then and twice a year thereafter, our Kapuso teams are able to reach even the remotest communities to provide school supplies before the school year opens and again during Christmastime to distribute noche buena packages for both Muslim and Christian children. In fact, we are very careful in being culturally sensitive in that we see to it that the packages we distribute in Mindanao would only contain Jalal products.

Just to mention one more incident (and there are so many), in May this year, two of our staff nearly died when the truck that would bring school supplies to Muslim children in Basilan fell off a ravine. Bruised and shaken, this nearly fatal accident didn’t stop the Kapuso staff from looking for other means to go ahead with their mission. Back in Manila, these Kapuso staff tearfully recounted how they instantly forgot their traumatic experience upon seeing the smiles on the faces of the Muslim children who thankfully received our presents that were painstakingly brought through all means possible: plane, ship, truck, banca, borne by a horse or by our very backs—all these to prove that as Kapuso, we genuinely care and have consistently shown our concern for the Muslims and their plight.

Many of these experiences of our Kapuso staff and volunteers are not and will never be seen on TV but they remain etched in the hearts of countless Muslim brothers and sisters. This incident will not deter us from our mission to help. If anything, it has only intensified and renewed in us the commitment to be there for the Muslims whom we have always prioritized in serving.

For whatever hurt this recent incident that rose from miscommunication has caused anyone, the GMA Kapuso Foundation expresses its sincerest regret.

from : http://ghienoks.blogspot.com/2011/12/gma-7-kapuso-foundation-discriminated.html

Tabayun Konstitusi

Undang Undang Pengelolaan Zakat yang baru saja disahkan DPR sedang hangat dibicarakan. Sudah sejak lama masyarakat yang bergelut dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan zakat Indonesia (saya istilahkan menjadi Masyarakat Zakat) mengusung gagasan tentang amandemen UU No. 38 tentang Pengelolan Zakat sebagai upaya terus memperbaiki arsitektur pengelolaan zakat di Indonesia. Sebanyak 3 kali penyelenggaraan Munas Forum Zakat di Kaltim, Jakarta dan Surabaya memfokuskan diri pada gagasan meningkatkan pengelolaan zakat di negeri ini.

Walau diwarnai hujan interupsi dari Fraksi PKS dan sikap abstain Fraksi Hanura akhirnya DPR tetap memutuskan UU Pengeloaan Zakat ini. Pengesahan UU Pengelolaan Zakat ini direspon beragam. Media mencatat pernyataan dukungan Kementerian Agama dan banyak narasumber terhadap UU Pengelolaan Zakat ini. Berbagai narasumber lainnya ternyata memberi pernyataan beragam. Pernyataan kritis muncul dari Ustadz Syuhada Bahri dari Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia (DDII), Ust Mardani dari PKS. Bahkan Yusuf Wibisono dari PEBS Universitas Indonesia dalam opini di Republika memberikan gagasan lakukan uji materi terhadap UU yang baru diketuk ini. Gagasan uji materi ini ternyata sejalan dengan sikap sejumlah LAZ Daerah.

Saya memaknai, jika ini dianggap sebuah pertarungan gagasan, arsitektur zakat Indonesia memang belum selesai benar disepaki wacananya. Hal pelik seputar kelembagaan, hubungan zakat dengan pajak dan peran serta masyarakat dalam mengelola zakat menjadi hal yang krusial didiskusikan. Diketuknya UU Pengelolaan Zakat ketika belum terselesaikannya kesepakatan masyarakat zakat tentang mozaik bangunan gerakan zakat di Indonesia ini menjadi pemicu mengkristalnya pihak yang mendukung dan menolak UU ini.

Dalam kacamata saya, perbedaan pandang ini adalah akibat pergumulan ijtihadi para tokoh gerakan zakat Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah perjuangan gagasan, para Mujtahidin memang dituntut memberikan pandangan yang mendasar secara tenang tentang hal yang tengah dipertentangkan. Hal ini harus dijaga agar setiap perbedaan tidak menjadikan kita berada dalam arena yang keruh, namun dalam sebuah ruang diskusi dan forum tabayun yang sehat. Ketika UU sebagai konstitusi yang sah ini sudah diketuk, maka memang salah satu ruang tabayunnya adalah pelaksanaan Uji Materi di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Gagasan Uji Materi atas Undang-Undang Pengelolaan Zakat ini dapat menjadi tabayun konstitusi yang akan melegakan kita bersama apapun hasilnya.

Sambil menikmati kedua gagasan ini ditabayunkan, saat ini masyarakat zakat sudah diajak mendialogkan Draft PP dengan sejumlah pertemuan oleh kementerian Agama yang mengundang LAZ. Saya menyambut baik inisiatif ini. Saya berharap Masyarakat Zakat dapat juga memberi masukan kritis kepada setiap peraturan yang menyangkut perzakatan demi untuk kemajuan Gerakan Zakat di Indonesia.

Wallahu a’lam.

Moh. Arifin Purwakananta
Direktur Komunikasi dan Pengalangan Sumberdaya Dompet Dhuafa

Dimuat di Republika 11 November 2011


The earthquake on Sunday, 23 October 2011, struck at 13:41 (10:41 GMT) eastern part of
Turkey by with 7,2 magnitude, at a depth of 20km (12 miles), with its epicenter 16km in Van
province with a population of 1 million. An earthquake struck Van province in November 1976,
with 5,291 confirmed dead.
The quake affected a large scale of geography extending from Igdır city in the north to Hakkari
city in the south. The impact of the quake was felt in a broad region of convergence,
neighboring cities Bitlis, Ağrı, Iğdır, Erzurum, Muş, Bingöl, Tunceli, Batman, Şırnak, Mardin,
Diyarbakır, Siirt and Şanlıurfa. It was followed by a series of Roughly 20 aftershocks powerful
aftershocks; the largest had a magnitude of 6.0.
More than 240 people died and 1,100 were injured in quake, many of them in the town of Ercis
district of Van province, where 970 buildings have been damaged out of which more than 55
apartment buildings have totally collapsed, as announced by 11:00 a.m. local time by
“Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency” of Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry. The
death toll is expected to rise as Hundreds are still trapped. Mustafa Erdik, Kandilli Observatory general manager estimated hundreds of lives had been lost. "It could be 500 or 1,000," he added. He said he based his estimate on the 7.2 magnitude of the earthquake, the strongest since 1999, and the quality of construction. Rescue Teams of IHH have arrived at the earthquake zone IHH’s Licensed Emergency Rescue Teams from different cities of Turkey; Istanbul, Alanya, Antalya, Erzurum, İzmir, Kayseri, Konya, K.Maraş, Bingöl, Adıyaman, Sakarya, Muş, Ağrı and Bitlis rushed to the earthquake zone right after the earthquake hit the region. Rescue team of 38 people started the activities in three different earthquake hit areas trying to rescue the people trapped in the rubbles.

Emergency Relief Team of IHH providing aid at the earthquake zone The relief team of IHH with 140 people from different cities of Turkey have been providing basic needs to the affected people. Moreover, a team is situated at the Crisis Center set up by the District Governorship of Ercis and providing services as coordination office and information center.

Medical team of IHH arrived at the earthquake zone
A medical team of IHH as well has arrived at the earthquake zone providing basic medical aid
to the wounded people as well as the relatives of the people trapped in the rubbles.
A cargo aircraft, a truck and a mobile kitchen sent to the earthquake zone
A cargo aircraft loaded with equipment and material required for rescue has been sent from
Istanbul to Van. The mobile kitchen of IHH is able to supply cooked food to ten thousand of
people per day.
Basic items needed at the earthquake zone are following as identified by the teams of IHH on
the ground;
A. Shelter and protection:
  • Winterized tents
  • Blankets
  • Sleeping bags
  • Heaters
B. Water and Hygiene:
  • Drinking water
  • Baby diapers
  • Ladies hygiene items
C. Food Items:
  • High energy biscuits
  • Baby food
  • Canned food
  • Milk Fruit juice
D. Clothing:
  • Winter clothes and shoes
Size: 7 X 14 mt. and Price: 1,875 USD.
Size: 4 X 6 mt. and Price: 625 USD.
Blanket: a double blanket costs 11 USD.
Electric heater: An electric heater costs between 50 to 65 USD.
Winter clothes: Set of a pair of pants, sweater and coat costs 62,5 USD.
Baby biscuits:
A packet of 1 kg baby biscuits costs 4 USD.
A packet of 190 gr. baby biscuits costs 1 USD.
Milk: A packet of 1 liter milk costs 1,3 USD.
Fruit Juice: A packet of 200 ml juice costs 0,3 USD.
Water: A bottle of 1,5 lt. drinking water costs 0,2 USD.
Baby Diapers: A packet of baby diapers costs 6 USD.
Lady Hygiene Pads: A packet of pads costs 1 USD.
Canned beans:
A can of 250 gr. costs 0,8 USD.
A can of 500 gr. costs 1,5 USD.

Your contributions will strengthen our response to the humanitarian need in the
midst of this crisis. You can contribute through the following accounts;
ACCOUNT NO : 2124994-5012
IBAN : TR280001000488021249945012
ACCOUNT NO : 2124994-5008
IBAN : TR390001000488021249945008
For further information, please contact:
Nalan Dal
Public Relations Coordinator
IHH-Humanitarian Relief Foundation
Ph. + 90 212 6312121 Ext. 245
Email: nalandal@ihh.org.tr Website: www.ihh.org.tr